Always use condoms and dams and practice safer sex. If you’re worried about sexually transmitted infections then go and speak to a health professional. Services are available from THinK, The Arch, Walk-in-Centres, GP surgeries and or a community Pharmacy.
Think about your contraception options if you’re sexually active by discussing all the various methods available with a professional health practitioner. For the best advice message Jess or El, or your local sexual health clinic. See further information about opening times and venues in the who else can help section.
Check out some of the most common Myths that we hear from young people - and what the actual TRUTH is...
The truth is you can spread infections from one person to another through any kind of sexual contact where bodily fluids may be exchanged. This includes penetrative sex (vaginal or anal), intimate touching, oral sex and or sharing sexual toys. It doesn’t matter if you’re a straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual if you have had sexual contact with someone else it is likely bodily fluids would have been exchanged unless you have practiced safer sex and used condoms and dams (dams are designed for oral sex and cover the vagina or anal area). It is possible to spread STI’s through oral sex and anal sex.
There are many sexually transmitted infections that act differently and may take time to develop their symptoms after having unprotected sex. This is known as an incubation period so the time a test is taken into account as screening does not always pick up the infection straight away. For example Chlamydia may have an incubation period of one to two weeks before a test would show up as positive. Therefore a person could have unprotected sex with someone who was positive for chlamydia and go for a test the next day resulting in what’s known as a false negative because the infection was not detectable at that time. However if a test was taken one to two weeks after unprotected sex this may identify a positive result because the incubation period would have elapsed and the infection would have had time to develop. So just because someone said they had a test and were negative it’s always worth considering the incubation period.
Sex is a natural and positive aspect of any intimate relationship but it’s important to consider the right time and person to share this experience with. Relationships that are not respectful and loving and maybe abusive can lead to distress both physically and mentally.
There are many things people blame for their reasons for not using condoms such as, they’re too small, they spoil the enjoyment, allergies to latex, I’m not dirty, I forget to use them or I can’t afford them. The fact is they are all just excuses and wearing a condom is the best protection you have from preventing a sexually transmitted infection, they help against unwanted pregnancies and show you are a responsible person with your partner when you form a relationship. Keeping a condom or two safe in your pocket, or bag, is a good idea just in case they’re needed. There are many ranges of condoms from flavoured to latex free available from services, along with help, information and advice on how to use them so there is no excuse for not using them. Merseyside Youth Association also currently operates condom distribution across Knowsley. This provides young people aged 13 – 19 with free condoms, confidential advice and information after a short consultation with a youth worker.
Sex with another person is something everyone thinks about at some time. It is always best to wait until the right time when the right partner comes around and you’re ready. Reputations are important and part of how others view us, which includes attraction. It's not healthy or attractive to have a reputation or history of lots of unprotected sex. Unprotected sex increases the chance of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) such as Chlamydia and / or HIV.
If you have had unprotected sex then you could be at risk of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) so it’s best to visit your local sexual health service and get a sexual health check. Infections that can be transmitted include Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, HIV, Herpes, Warts (Human Papillomavirus or HPV), Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea is free, quick and easy and needn’t be embarrassing as it’s a simple urine test. Girls can choose a self-testing swab. Boys have no need to fear the dreaded ‘umbrella’ as thankfully this is just a myth. Home testing kits are also available. In a sexual health clinic a routine screen would include a Chlamydia/gonorrhoea test and a blood test for HIV/Syphilis. Other infections would be discussed and may require the opportunity for being examined by a qualified health practitioner.